Looking after your mental wellbeing while job hunting | Place Me - Career Resources

Looking after your mental wellbeing while job hunting

Whether you are without a job or desperate for a change, if you are searching for your next job, you are under some form of stress. Stress usually results from rejections, not hearing back from recruiters on time, hours on applications, writing custom cover letters, interviews and even pressure from lack of income (if you’re unemployed).

It is essential to take care of your mental well-being while job hunting. Better mental health helps with good decision-making while under pressure and will aid you in finding the job you want. 

Take breaks often

As much as you’d like to send as many applications as possible to increase your chance of success, it is essential to take frequent breaks too. If you spend too much time applying for jobs and less time on leisure, you will begin to get stressed and eventually burn out. This would mean your applications and interviews will not be as good as you’d like them to be, making all your efforts futile.

Keeping a schedule where you spend about an hour or two a day on job applications will help break up your day. A dedicated time set aside for job applications means you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of your day.

Learn from your rejections

Rejections are difficult, and constant rejections can become very draining. On the bright side, every rejection can be a learning opportunity. Maybe it’s worth reviewing your CV to show off your skills in an easy-to-scan manner, or perhaps your cover letter is too generic. It may be a good idea also to ask some of the employers or recruiters the reason for your rejection. This will take the guesswork out and give you a clearer idea of what needs to be improved.

It is easy to take rejections personally, and self-doubt can be crippling. Having answers will free up your mind of any doubts and allows you to move on from the rejection and continue your job hunt with energy and enthusiasm.

Talk to loved ones

The best therapy is talking to your friends and family about how you are feeling. Sharing emotional distress can be incredibly therapeutic. Friends may also be able to share some insight on how you can improve and even recommend you to their contacts for a job opportunity! Spending time with close friends and family also benefits distraction from job hunting, offering a much-needed break.

Learn how to say no

As you apply for several jobs, you may begin receiving calls for an interview. As exciting as this may seem, saying yes to every interview you get will exhaust you. Therefore, as counter-productive as it sounds, it may be good to filter out the job opportunities that don’t tick all your boxes. A written job description may sound great, but it may be worth asking the hiring manager about your ‘must-haves once you are shortlisted for an interview. This will save you some time and the need to prepare for the interview if it does not seem like the right fit. Interviews can be stressful as you will be preparing to say the right things or taking time off work to attend the interview. It could be worth requesting an online interview or meeting after-hours to avoid having to travel during work hours.

If you need career advice, we offer one-on-one consultations along with many resources to improve your CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profiles. To book a consult or purchase any of our available career resources, visit our Online Shop.